Sunday, January 13, 2013

The flow of culture... the blow of culture

Culture is an essential component of the viscosity of the existing human life on earth. Culture is set of occasions or events which people like to participate in order to enjoy and increase communication. Such events provide common platform appreciated by all or a set of people. However it is highly misunderstood as a hereditary trait which conserve the identity of a particular set of individuals making it stagnant and not changing. This brings conflicts in several prospects and make it less enjoyable and more of a law even when you are not in a position to follow it. Limitations originate to suppress the obvious cheater intentions whose reliability depends upon the authority who is imposing it. Thing get worse when the authority itself get stuck in a dicey situation where it become cheater itself and impose these limitations under the veil of culture to save its ass.

I believe culture is highly misunderstood as an heritable content brought down by the ancestors. Its actually a more dynamic than expected. If it is not changing then it is actually not a culture but a set of conditions which is maintained to profit a small subset or I must say a small powerful subset. Culture is suppose to be an outcome of actions which is accepted and enjoyed by everyone. If actions changes so do culture changes. We can find several evidences where sciences intermingle with culture very well and even become essential component.

In this moving world every abstract thing is tied to time and changing along with it the only thing which remain constant is the place where we exist. I hope we should build eyes to appreciate the beauty of changes around us including in our culture.

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